Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: Felt
Y-ax: 1mm
Power: 42,5%
Speed: 100%

Getting a beautiful almost woven structure because of the fabric being 2 layers.


For this assignment I tried to play with the settings of the laser cutter. By using synthetic fabrics it will melt in various ways, but can I control it somehow? So that's why I experimented with the power, speed and Y-ax of the machine. To find out how different settings have surprising outcomes.
Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: Felt
Y-ax: 0.8mm
Power: 42,8%
Speed: 100%

The fabric is actually 1 mm thick so when I tell the machine that is 0.8mm it moves the Y-ax and makes the laser bigger and harder.

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: multiplex
Y-ax: 3mm
Power: 85.5%
Speed: 100%

I forgot to put the settings to felt so that is why most of the fabric is burned away. The fabric is also super fragile now.

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 2mm
Power: 42.8%
Speed: 100%

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 1mm
Power: 22.8%
Speed: 100%

I really love how the fabric melted it in it's own way without me having to create a pattern.

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 0.8mm
Power: 42.8%
Speed: 100%

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 2mm
Power: 42.8%
Speed: 100%

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 1mm
Power: 42.8%
Speed: 100%

This is one of my favorite experiments. By using grey scales the engraving is way softer at some points compared to the places where it is black.

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 2mm
Power: 52.8%
Speed: 100%

Because of the fragility of the engraving I thought of using to layers on top of each other to have more support. The two layers melted together which gives an extra layer to the fabric.

Engraving: R: 0, G: 0, B: 255
Material settings: felt
Y-ax: 2mm
Power: 52.8%
Speed: 100%

By using grey scales the engraving is way softer at some points compared to the places where it is black. But because of it's shape it still feels a little bit harsh. I want a more organic look.